Socioeconomic Disparities in Changes to Preterm Birth and Stillbirth Rates During the First Year of the Covid-19 Pandemic: a Study of 21 European Countries

Philibert, M
Broeders, L
Cap, J
Draušnik, Z
Morgan, S
Murphy, J
Piper, M
Scott, S
Thomas, C
Williams, M
Group Author(s)
EuroPeristat Res Grp; Population Hlth Information Res Infrastruct
Document Type
Year published
Volume: 34, Issue: Supplement_1, Pages: i58-i66 (9)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 38946450
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85197624609
Wos: WOS:001259549300010
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1101-1262
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Zeitlin, J;   2 Philibert, M;   3 Barros, H ;
4 Broeders, L;   5 Cap, J;   6 Draušnik, Z;
7 Engjom, H;   8 Farr, A;   9 Fresson, J;
10 Gatt, M;   11 Gissler, M;   12 Heller, G;
13 Isakova, J;   14 Källén, K;   15 Kyprianou, T;
16 Loghi, M;   17 Monteath, K;   18 Mortensen, L;
19 Rihs, T;   20 Sakkeus, L;   21 Sikora, I;
22 Szamotulska, K;   23 Velebil, P;   24 Verdenik, I;
25 Weber, G;   26 Zile, I;   27 Zurriaga, O;
28 Smith, L;   29 Klimont, J;   30 Alexander, S;
31 Delnord, M;   32 Racapé, J;   33 Vandervelpen, G;
34 Zhang, W;   35 Kolarova, R;   36 Jordanova, E;
37 Dimnjakovic, J;   38 Rodin, U;   39 Scoutellas, V;
40 Jirova, J;   41 Hansen, AV;   42 Mortensen, LH;
43 Abuladze, L;   44 Heino, A;   45 Amyx, M;
46 Blondel, B;   47 Chantry, A;   48 Tharaux, CD;
49 Durox, M;   50 Hocquette, A;   51 Vilain, A;
52 Bon, D;   53 Misselwitz, B;   54 Antsaklis, A;
55 Sziller, I;   56 Eiríksdóttir, VH;   57 Gunnarsdóttir, J;
58 Ólafsdóttir, HS;   59 Kearns, K;   60 Boldrini, R;
61 Cuttini, M;   62 Donati, S;   63 Pappagallo, M;
64 Misins, J;   65 Gaidelyte, R;   66 Billy, A;
67 Lecomte, A;   68 Pastore, J;   69 Achterberg, P;
70 Hindori Mohangoo, A;   71 Nijhuis, J;   72 Akerkar, R;
73 Klungsoyr, K;   74 Mierzejewska, E;   75 Rodrigues, C;
76 Budianu, M;   77 Cucu, A;   78 Horga, M;
79 Puscasiu, L;   80 Sandu, P;   81 Tica, V;
82 Cáp, J;   83 Lucovnik, M;   84 Alcaide, AR;
85 Fernández Elorriaga, M;   86 Jané, M;   87 Vidal, MJ;
88 Zurriaga, O;   89 Nyman, A;   90 Anderson, D;
91 Clarke, S;   92 McConnell, H;   93 Macfarlane, A;
94 Magill, S;   95 Morgan, S;   96 Murphy, J;
97 Piper, M;   98 Scott, S;   99 Thomas, C;
100 Williams, M;