Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases

Kamp, M
Koprinska, I
Bibal, A
Bouadi, T
Frénay, B
Galárraga, L
Oramas, J
Adilova, L
Krishnamurthy, Y
Kang, B
Gama, J
Gavaldà, R
Cooper, L
Ghazaleh, N
Richiardi, J
Roqueiro, D
Saldana Miranda, D
Sechidis, K
Graça, G
Document Type
Year published
in Communications in Computer and Information Science, ISSN: 1865-0929
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ISSN: 1865-0929
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Kamp, M;   2 Koprinska, I;   3 Bibal, A;
4 Bouadi, T;   5 Frénay, B;   6 Galárraga, L;
7 Oramas, J;   8 Adilova, L;   9 Krishnamurthy, Y;
10 Kang, B;   11 Largeron, C;   12 Lijffijt, J;
13 Viard, T;   14 Welke, P;   15 Ruocco, M;
16 Aune, E;   17 Gallicchio, C;   18 Schiele, G;
19 Pernkopf, F;   20 Blott, M;   21 Fröning, H;
22 Schindler, G;   23 Guidotti, R;   24 Monreale, A;
25 Rinzivillo, S;   26 Biecek, P;   27 Ntoutsi, E;
28 Pechenizkiy, M;   29 Rosenhahn, B;   30 Buckley, C;
31 Cialfi, D;   32 Lanillos, P;   33 Ramstead, M;
34 Verbelen, T;   35 Ferreira, PM;   36 Andresini, G;
37 Malerba, D;   38 Medeiros, I;   39 Fournier-Viger, P;
40 Nawaz, MS;   41 Ventura, S;   42 Sun, M;
43 Zhou, M;   44 Bitetta, V;   45 Bordino, I;
46 Ferretti, A;   47 Gullo, F;   48 Ponti, G;
49 Severini, L;   50 Ribeiro, R ;   51 Gama, J;
52 Gavaldà, R;   53 Cooper, L;   54 Ghazaleh, N;
55 Richiardi, J;   56 Roqueiro, D;   57 Saldana Miranda, D;
58 Sechidis, K;   59 Graça, G;