Relevance of Retinal Thickness Changes in the Oct Inner and Outer Rings to Predict Progression to Clinical Macular Edema: An Attempt of Composite Grading of Macular Edema

Vujosevic S.
Varano M.
Egan C.
Sivaprasad S.
Menon G.
Erginay A.
Verbraak F.D.
Lund-Andersen H.
Martinez J.P.
Jürgens I.
Querques G.
Holz F.G.
Nunes S.
Alves D.
Neves C.
Santos T.
Ribeiro L.
Bandello F.
Tejerina A.N.
Document Type
Year published
in Ophthalmic Research, ISSN: 00303747
Volume: 55, Issue: 1, Pages: 19-25 (6)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 26555067
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84946719361
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 00303747
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Vujosevic S.;   2 Varano M.;   3 Egan C.;
4 Sivaprasad S.;   5 Menon G.;   6 Erginay A.;
7 Verbraak F.D.;   8 Lund-Andersen H.;   9 Martinez J.P.;
10 Jürgens I.;   11 Smets E.;   12 Coriat C.;
13 Wiedemann P.;   14 Ágoas V.;   15 Querques G.;
16 Holz F.G.;   17 Nunes S.;   18 Alves D.;
19 Neves C.;   20 Santos T.;   21 Ribeiro L.;
22 Bandello F.;   23 Tejerina A.N.;   24 Cunha-Vaz J.;