Assessing the Effect of Persistent Organic Pollutants on Reproductive Activity in Common Dolphins and Harbour Porpoises

Murphy S.
Law R.J.
Bersuder P.
Jepson P.D.
Learmonth J.A.
Addink M.
Dabin W.
Santos M.B.
Deaville R.
Reid R.J.
Smeenk C.
Jauniaux T.
López A.
Alonso Farré J.M.
González A.F.
Guerra A.
García-Hartmann M.
Lockyer C.
Boon J.P.
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, ISSN: 02506408
Volume: 42, Pages: 153-173 (20)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84857676180
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 02506408
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Murphy S.;   2 Pierce G.J.;   3 Law R.J.;
4 Bersuder P.;   5 Jepson P.D.;   6 Learmonth J.A.;
7 Addink M.;   8 Dabin W.;   9 Santos M.B.;
10 Deaville R.;   11 Zegers B.N.;   12 Mets A.;
13 Rogan E.;   14 Ridoux V.;   15 Reid R.J.;
16 Smeenk C.;   17 Jauniaux T.;   18 López A.;
19 Alonso Farré J.M.;   20 González A.F.;   21 Guerra A.;
22 García-Hartmann M.;   23 Lockyer C.;   24 Boon J.P.;