Geographic Variation of Mutagenic Exposures in Kidney Cancer Genomes

Senkin, S
Moody, S
Díaz-Gay, M
Abedi-Ardekani, B
Cattiaux, T
Ferreiro-Iglesias, A
Wang, J
Fitzgerald, S
Kazachkova, M
Vangara, R
McKay, J
Scelo, G
Chanudet, E
Humphreys, L
de Carvalho, AC
Perdomo, S
Alexandrov, LB
Stratton, MR
Brennan, P
Document Type
Year published
in Nature, ISSN: 0028-0836
Volume: 629, Issue: 8013, Pages: 910-918
Publication Identifiers
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0028-0836
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Senkin, S;   2 Moody, S;   3 Díaz-Gay, M;
4 Abedi-Ardekani, B;   5 Cattiaux, T;   6 Ferreiro-Iglesias, A;
7 Wang, J;   8 Fitzgerald, S;   9 Kazachkova, M;
10 Vangara, R;   11 Le, AP;   12 Bergstrom, EN;
13 Khandekar, A;   14 Otlu, B;   15 Cheema, S;
16 Latimer, C;   17 Thomas, E;   18 Atkins, JR;
19 Smith-Byrne, K;   20 Cortez Cardoso Penha, R;   21 Carreira, C;
22 Chopard, P;   23 Gaborieau, V;   24 Keski-Rahkonen, P;
25 Jones, D;   26 Teague, JW;   27 Ferlicot, S;
28 Asgari, M;   29 Sangkhathat, S;   30 Attawettayanon, W;
31 Świątkowska, B;   32 Jarmalaite, S;   33 Sabaliauskaite, R;
34 Shibata, T;   35 Fukagawa, A;   36 Mates, D;
37 Jinga, V;   38 Rascu, S;   39 Mijuskovic, M;
40 Savic, S;   41 Milosavljevic, S;   42 Bartlett, JMS;
43 Albert, M;   44 Phouthavongsy, L;   45 Ashton-Prolla, P;
46 Botton, MR;   47 Silva Neto, B;   48 Bezerra, SM;
49 Curado, MP;   50 Zequi, SdC;   51 Reis, RM;
52 Faria, EF;   53 de Menezes, NS;   54 Ferrari, RS;
55 Banks, RE;   56 Vasudev, NS;   57 Zaridze, D;
58 Mukeriya, A;   59 Shangina, O;   60 Matveev, V;
61 Foretova, L;   62 Navratilova, M;   63 Holcatova, I;
64 Hornakova, A;   65 Janout, V;   66 Purdue, MP;
67 Rothman, N;   68 Chanock, SJ;   69 Ueland, PM;
70 Johansson, M;   71 McKay, J;   72 Scelo, G;
73 Chanudet, E;   74 Humphreys, L;   75 de Carvalho, AC;
76 Perdomo, S;   77 Alexandrov, LB;   78 Stratton, MR;
79 Brennan, P;