A Good Practice Guide for the Use of Dgts. Sampling of Metals in Transitional and Coastal Waters by Diffusive Gradient in Thin Films (Dgt) Technique

Millán Gabet, V
Rodrigo Sanz, M
Amouroux, I
Belzunce, MJ
Bersuder, P
Bolam, T
Correia dos Santos, M
Fones, GR
Gonzalez, J
McHugh, B
Menchaca, I
Menet-Nedelec, F
Montero, N
Regan, F
Robinson, CD
Rodriguez, G
Schintu, M
White, B
Zhang, H
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Millán Gabet, V;   2 Rodrigo Sanz, M;   3 Amouroux, I;
4 Belzunce, MJ;   5 Bersuder, P;   6 Bolam, T;
7 Caetano, M;   8 Correia dos Santos, M;   9 Fones, GR;
10 Gonzalez, J;   11 Guesdon, S;   12 Larreta, J;
13 Marras, B;   14 McHugh, B;   15 Menchaca, I;
16 Menet-Nedelec, F;   17 Montero, N;   18 Regan, F;
19 Robinson, CD;   20 Rodriguez, G;   21 Schintu, M;
22 White, B;   23 Zhang, H;