The Ga(2)Len Pan-European Standard Prick Test Study - First Results

Burbach, G
Bachert, C
Bindslev Jensen, C
Bousqut, J
Bousquet Rouanet, L
Bruno, A
Canonica, G
Darsow, U
Demoly, P
Murakozi, G
Orosz, M
Papadopoulos, N
Roehnelt, C
Stingl, G
Todo Bom, A
von Mutius, E
Wiesner, A
Woehrl, S
Zuberbier, T
Document Type
Year published
in ALLERGY, ISSN: 0105-4538
Volume: 63, Pages: 23-23 (1)
27Th Congress of the European-Academy-Of-Allergology-And-Clinical-Immunology, Date: JUN 07-11, 2008, Location: Barcelona, SPAIN, Sponsors: European Acad Allergol & Clin Immunol
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000256235600049
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0105-4538
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Burbach, G;   2 Heinzerling, L;   3 Bachert, C;
4 Bindslev Jensen, C;   5 Bousqut, J;   6 Bousquet Rouanet, L;
7 Bruno, A;   8 Canonica, G;   9 Darsow, U;
10 Demoly, P;   11 Fokkens, W;   12 Gjomarkaj, M;
13 Haahtela, T;   14 Kowalski, M;   15 Maygar, P;
16 Murakozi, G;   17 Orosz, M;   18 Papadopoulos, N;
19 Roehnelt, C;   20 Stingl, G;   21 Todo Bom, A;
22 von Mutius, E;   23 Wiesner, A;   24 Woehrl, S;
25 Zuberbier, T;