Qualities of the Psychotherapeutic Relationship: Do Common Factors in Psychotherapy Reflect Common Characteristics of Psychotherapists? [Die Qualitat Der Therapeutischen Beziehung: Entsprechen Gemeinsame Faktoren In Der Psychotherapie Gemeinsamen Charakteristika Von Psychotherapeutinnen?]

Orlinsky, DE
Meyerberg, J
Cierpka, M
Buchheim, P
Backfield, J
Botermans, JF
Davis, J
Davis, M
Wiseman, H
Stuart, S
Shefler, G
Northcut, T
Kachele, H
Joo, E
Gerin, P
Branco Vasco, A
Aapro, N
Document Type
Year published
in PPmP Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie, ISSN: 0937-2032
Volume: 46, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 102-110
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 8657851
Scopus: 2-s2.0-0030098618
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0937-2032
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Orlinsky, DE;   2 Willutzki, U;   3 Meyerberg, J;
4 Cierpka, M;   5 Buchheim, P;   6 Ambuhl, H;
7 Backfield, J;   8 Botermans, JF;   9 Davis, J;
10 Davis, M;   11 Dazord, A;   12 Ronnestad, MH;
13 Schroeder, T;   14 Wiseman, H;   15 Stuart, S;
16 Shefler, G;   17 Parks, B;   18 Northcut, T;
19 Kachele, H;   20 Joo, E;   21 Gerin, P;
22 Branco Vasco, A;   23 Aapro, N;