Variations in Breastfeeding Rates for Very Preterm Infants Between Regions and Neonatal Units in Europe: Results from the Mosaic Cohort

Bonet, M
Blondel, B
Agostino, R
Combier, E
Maier, RF
Cuttini, M
Khoshnood, B
Zeitlin, J
Martens, E
Martens, G
Konje, J
Fenton, A
Milligan, D
Sturgiss, S
Blondel, B
Pilkington, H
Zeitlin, J
Cuttini, M
Petrou, S
Document Type
Year published
in Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition, ISSN: 1359-2998
Volume: 96, Issue: 6, Pages: F450-F452
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 20538713
Scopus: 2-s2.0-80054717127
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1359-2998
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Bonet, M;   2 Blondel, B;   3 Agostino, R;
4 Combier, E;   5 Maier, RF;   6 Cuttini, M;
7 Khoshnood, B;   8 Zeitlin, J;   9 Martens, E;
10 Martens, G;   11 Van Reempts, P;   12 Boerch, K;
13 Weber, T;   14 Peitersen, B;   15 Breart, G;
16 Chabernaud, JL;   17 Delmas, D;   18 Jarreau, PH;
19 Papiernik, E;   20 Charreire, H;   21 Michaud, F;
22 Ferdynus, C;   23 Combier, E;   24 Gouyon, JB;
25 Gortner, L;   26 Kunzel, W;   27 Maier, RF;
28 Misselwitz, B;   29 Schmidt, S;   30 Agostino, R;
31 Di Lallo, D;   32 Paesano, R;   33 Den Ouden, L;
34 Kollee, L;   35 Visser, G;   36 Gerrits, J;
37 De Heus, R;   38 Breborowicz, G;   39 Gadzinowski, J;
40 Mazela, J;   41 Barros, H ;   42 Campos, I;
43 Carrapato, M;   44 Draper, E;   45 Field, D;
46 Konje, J;   47 Fenton, A;   48 Milligan, D;
49 Sturgiss, S;   50 Blondel, B;   51 Pilkington, H;
52 Zeitlin, J;   53 Cuttini, M;   54 Petrou, S;