STARTVERSO3: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase Iii Trial of Faldaprevir in Combination with Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2A and Ribavirin in Treatment-Experienced Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype-1 Infection

Jacobson, IM
Foster, GR
Jensen, DM
Wright, D
Garcia Samaniego, J
Cooper, C
Ghesquiere, W
Dufour, JF
Sakai, Y
Tanaka, Y
Stern, JO
Sha, NS
Boecher, WO
Steinmann, GG
Quinson, AM
Document Type
Year published
in HEPATOLOGY, ISSN: 0270-9139
Volume: 58, Pages: 742A-743A (2)
64Th Annual Meeting and Postgraduate Course of the American-Association-For-The-Study-Of-Liver-Diseases, Date: NOV 01-05, 2013, Location: Washington, DC, Sponsors: Amer Assoc Study Liver Dis
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000330252203266
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0270-9139
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Jacobson, IM;   2 Asselah, T;   3 Ferenci, P;
4 Foster, GR;   5 Jensen, DM;   6 Negro, F;
7 Mantry, PS;   8 Wright, D;   9 Forns, X;
10 Garcia Samaniego, J;   11 Oliveira, C;   12 Carvalho, A;
13 Forton, DM;   14 Agarwal, K;   15 Arasteh, K;
16 Cooper, C;   17 Ghesquiere, W;   18 Dufour, JF;
19 Sakai, Y;   20 Tanaka, Y;   21 Stern, JO;
22 Sha, NS;   23 Boecher, WO;   24 Steinmann, GG;
25 Quinson, AM;