Hyperinsulinemia and Insulin Resistance Are Independently Associated with Plasma Lipids, Uric Acid and Blood Pressure in Non-Diabetic Subjects. The Gisir Database

Bonora, E
Capaldo, B
Perin, PC
del Prato, S
de Mattia, G
Leonetti, F
Luzi, L
Baratta, R
Graci, S
Bracaglia, D
Monti, L
Setola, E
Sesti, G
Document Type
Year published
in Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, ISSN: 0939-4753
Volume: 18, Issue: 9, Pages: 624-631
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 18060751
Scopus: 2-s2.0-54049089061
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0939-4753
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Bonora, E;   2 Capaldo, B;   3 Perin, PC;
4 del Prato, S;   5 de Mattia, G;   6 Frittitta, L;
7 Frontoni, S;   8 Leonetti, F;   9 Luzi, L;
10 Marchesini, G;   11 Marini, MA;   12 Natali, A;
13 Paolisso, G;   14 Piatti, PM;   15 Pujia, A;
16 Solini, A;   17 Vettor, R;   18 Bonadonna, RC;
19 Ferrannini, E;   20 Baratta, R;   21 Graci, S;
22 Bracaglia, D;   23 Monti, L;   24 Setola, E;
25 Montalcini, T;   26 Sesti, G;   27 de Kreutzenberg, SV;