WASP-21B: A Hot-Saturn Exoplanet Transiting a Thick Disc Star

Bouchy, F
Skillen, I
Collier Cameron, A
Smalley, B
Udry, S
Anderson, DR
Enoch, B
Haswell, CA
Pollacco, D
Segransan, D
Simpson, EK
Stempels, HC
Street, R
West, RG
Wheatley, PJ
Document Type
Year published
in Astronomy and Astrophysics, ISSN: 0004-6361
Volume: 519, Issue: 10, Pages: A98
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-77956932794
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0004-6361
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Bouchy, F;   2 Hebb, L;   3 Skillen, I;
4 Collier Cameron, A;   5 Smalley, B;   6 Udry, S;
7 Anderson, DR;   8 Boisse, I;   9 Enoch, B;
10 Haswell, CA;   11 Hebrard, G;   12 Hellier, C;
13 Joshi, Y;   14 Kane, SR;   15 Maxted, PFL;
16 Mayor, M;   17 Moutou, C;   18 Pepe, F;
19 Pollacco, D;   20 Queloz, D;   21 Segransan, D;
22 Simpson, EK;   23 Smith, AMS;   24 Stempels, HC;
25 Street, R;   26 Triaud, AHMJ;   27 West, RG;
28 Wheatley, PJ;