World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (Wfsbp) Guidelines for Biological Treatment of Unipolar Depressive Disorders, Part 2: Maintenance Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder and Treatment of Chronic Depressive Disorders and Subthreshold Depressions [Diretrizes da World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (Wfsbp) Para Tratamento Biológico de Transtornos Depressivos Unipolares, 2A Parte: Tratamento de Manutenção do Transtorno Depressivo Maior e Tratamento dos Transtornos Depressivos Crônicos e das Depressões Subliminares]

Bauer, M
Whybrow, PC
Angst, J
Versiani, M
Moller, HJ
Allain, H
Anderson, I
Ayuso Gutierrez, JL
Baldwin, D
Bech, P
Paykel, ES
Puzynski, S
Rush, AJ
Rybakowski, JK
Schweitzer, I
Unutzer, J
Verstergaard, P
Vieta, E
Yamada, K
Document Type
Year published
in Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica, ISSN: 0101-6083
Volume: 36, Issue: SUPPL. 2, Pages: 58-76
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-77949747786
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0101-6083
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Bauer, M;   2 Whybrow, PC;   3 Angst, J;
4 Versiani, M;   5 Moller, HJ;   6 Allain, H;
7 Anderson, I;   8 Ayuso Gutierrez, JL;   9 Baldwin, D;
10 Bech, P;   11 Benkert, O;   12 Berk, M;
13 Bitter, I;   14 Bourgeois, ML;   15 Burrows, G;
16 Cassano, G;   17 Cetkovich Bakmans, M;   18 Cookson, JC;
19 Costa, DD;   20 Gheroghe, MD;   21 Heinze, G;
22 Higuchi, T;   23 Hirschfeld, RM;   24 Hoschl, C;
25 Holsboer Trachsler, E;   26 Kasper, S;   27 Katona, C;
28 Keller, MB;   29 Kulhara, P;   30 Kupfer, DJ;
31 Lecrubier, Y;   32 Leonard, B;   33 Licht, RW;
34 Lingjaerde, O;   35 Lublin, H;   36 Mendlewicz, J;
37 Mitchell, P;   38 Paykel, ES;   39 Puzynski, S;
40 Rush, AJ;   41 Rybakowski, JK;   42 Schweitzer, I;
43 Unutzer, J;   44 Verstergaard, P;   45 Vieta, E;
46 Yamada, K;   47 Wiltfang, J;