Development of the Migrant Friendly Maternity Care Questionnaire (Mfmcq) for Migrants to Western Societies: An International Delphi Consensus Process

Gagnon, AJ
De Bruyn, R
Essén, B
Gissler, M
Heaman, M
Korfker, D
McCourt, C
Stray Pedersen, B
Urquia, M
Janevic, T
Guendelman, S
Bolumar, F
Río Sánchez, MI
Hjern, A
Vangen, S
Document Type
Year published
in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, ISSN: 1471-2393
Volume: 14, Issue: 1, Pages: 200
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84947648886
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1471-2393
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Gagnon, AJ;   2 De Bruyn, R;   3 Essén, B;
4 Gissler, M;   5 Heaman, M;   6 Jeambey, Z;
7 Korfker, D;   8 McCourt, C;   9 Roth, C;
10 Zeitlin, J;   11 Small, R;   12 Alexander, S;
13 Racapé, J;   14 Arntzen, A;   15 Barros, H ;
16 Blondel, B;   17 Merry, L;   18 Glazier, R;
19 Kirby, R;   20 Mohangoo, A;   21 Macfarlane, A;
22 Dattani, N;   23 Nybo Andersen, AM;   24 Mortensen, L;
25 Villadsen, S;   26 Davey, MA;   27 Sievers, E;
28 Stray Pedersen, B;   29 Urquia, M;   30 Janevic, T;
31 Guendelman, S;   32 Bolumar, F;   33 Río Sánchez, MI;
34 Hjern, A;   35 Vangen, S;