Value of Intravenous 6-Mercaptopurine During Continuation Treatment in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: Final Results of a Randomized Phase Iii Trial (58881) of the Eortc Clg

van der Werff ten Bosch, J
Suciu, S
Thyss, A
Bertrand, Y
Norton, L
Mazingue, F
Uyttebroeck, A
Lutz, P
Mechinaud, F
Malet, D
Fournier, M
Dastugue, N
Manel, AM
Pages, MP
Group Author(s)
Document Type
Year published
in LEUKEMIA, ISSN: 0887-6924
Volume: 19, Issue: 5, Pages: 721-726 (6)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 15744348
Scopus: 2-s2.0-20844439202
Wos: WOS:000228692500005
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0887-6924
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 van der Werff ten Bosch, J;   2 Suciu, S;   3 Thyss, A;
4 Bertrand, Y;   5 Norton, L;   6 Mazingue, F;
7 Uyttebroeck, A;   8 Lutz, P;   9 Robert, A;
10 Boutard, P;   11 Ferster, A;   12 Plouvier, E;
13 Maes, P;   14 Munzer, M;   15 Plantaz, D;
16 Dresse, MF;   17 Philippet, P;   18 Sirvent, N;
19 Waterkeyn, C;   20 Vilmer, E;   21 Philippe, N;
22 Otten, J;   23 Nelken, B;   24 Babin Boilletot, A;
25 Behar, C;   26 Francotte, N;   27 Lescoeur, B;
28 Margueritte, G;   29 Millot, F;   30 Rialland, X;
31 Mechinaud, F;   32 Malet, D;   33 Falkenrodt, A;
34 Fournier, M;   35 Dastugue, N;   36 Manel, AM;
37 Pages, MP;