Design and Initial Tests of the Tracker-Converter of the Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope

Atwood, WB
Bagagli, R
Baldini, L
Bellazzini, R
Belli, F
Borden, T
Brez, A
Brigida, M
Caliandro, GA
Spandre, G
Spinelli, P
Sugizaki, M
Tajima, H
Takahashi, H
Takahashi, T
Yoshida, S
Young, C
Ziegler, M
Document Type
Year published
in Astroparticle Physics, ISSN: 0927-6505
Volume: 28, Issue: 4-5, Pages: 422-434
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-36048940309
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0927-6505
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Atwood, WB;   2 Bagagli, R;   3 Baldini, L;
4 Bellazzini, R;   5 Barbiellini, G;   6 Belli, F;
7 Borden, T;   8 Brez, A;   9 Brigida, M;
10 Caliandro, GA;   11 Cecchi, C;   12 Cohen Tanugi, J;
13 De Angelis, A;   14 Drell, P;   15 Favuzzi, C;
16 Fukazawa, Y;   17 Fusco, P;   18 Gargano, F;
19 Germani, S;   20 Giannitrapani, R;   21 Giglietto, N;
22 Giordano, F;   23 Himel, T;   24 Hirayama, M;
25 Johnson, RP;   26 Katagiri, H;   27 Kataoka, J;
28 Kawai, N;   29 Kroeger, W;   30 Kuss, M;
31 Latronico, L;   32 Longo, F;   33 Loparco, F;
34 Lubrano, P;   35 Massai, MM;   36 Mazziotta, MN;
37 Minuti, M;   38 Mizuno, T;   39 Morselli, A;
40 Nelson, D;   41 Nordby, M;   42 Ohsugi, T;
43 Omodei, N;   44 Ozaki, M;   45 Pepe, M;
46 Raino, S;   47 Rando, R;   48 Razzano, M;
49 Rich, D;   50 Sadrozinski, HFW;   51 Scolieri, G;
52 Sgro, C;   53 Spandre, G;   54 Spinelli, P;
55 Sugizaki, M;   56 Tajima, H;   57 Takahashi, H;
58 Takahashi, T;   59 Yoshida, S;   60 Young, C;
61 Ziegler, M;