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Alfonso, F
Timmis, A
Ector, H
Ambrosio, G
Vardas, P
Antoinades, O
Apetrei, E
Aschermann, M
Pachinger, O
Raev, D
Rogava, M
Rodevand, O
Sansoy, V
Shlyakhto, E
Shumakov, VA
Van der Wall, E
Videbaek, J
Luscher, TF
Document Type
Editorial Material
Year published
in Medicinski arhiv, ISSN: 0350-199X
Volume: 67, Issue: 5, Pages: 308-313
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 24601158
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84898680716
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0350-199X
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Alfonso, F;   2 Goncalves, L;   3 Pinto, F;
4 Timmis, A;   5 Ector, H;   6 Ambrosio, G;
7 Vardas, P;   8 Antoinades, O;   9 Apetrei, E;
10 Aschermann, M;   11 Bologneze, L;   12 Dilic, M;
13 Edes, I;   14 Filipiak, KJ;   15 Guliyev, F;
16 Haouala, H;   17 Hassanein, MM;   18 Heras, M;
19 Hoglund, C;   20 Hulin, I;   21 Huber, K;
22 Ivanusa, M;   23 Marinskis, G;   24 Masic, I;
25 Ostojic, M;   26 Pachinger, O;   27 Raev, D;
28 Rogava, M;   29 Rodevand, O;   30 Sansoy, V;
31 Shlyakhto, E;   32 Shumakov, VA;   33 Van der Wall, E;
34 Videbaek, J;   35 Luscher, TF;