The 17F(P,Γ)18Ne Direct Capture Cross Section

Blackmon, J
Bardayan, D
Brune, C
Champagne, A
Davinson, T
Fernandes, J
Gagliardi, C
Greife, U
Gross, C
Radford, D
Sahin, L
Scott, J
Shapira, D
Smith, M
Thomas, J
Trache, L
Tribble, R
Woods, P
Yu, C
Document Type
Year published
in Nuclear Physics A, ISSN: 0375-9474
Volume: 718, Pages: 587-589
Publication Identifiers
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0375-9474
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Blackmon, J;   2 Bardayan, D;   3 Brune, C;
4 Champagne, A;   5 Crespo, R;   6 Davinson, T;
7 Fernandes, J;   8 Gagliardi, C;   9 Greife, U;
10 Gross, C;   11 Hausladen, P;   12 Iliadis, C;
13 Jewett, C;   14 Kozub, R;   15 Lewis, T;
16 Liang, F;   17 Moazen, B;   18 Mukhamedzhanov, A;
19 Nesaraja, C;   20 Nunes, F;   21 Parker, P;
22 Radford, D;   23 Sahin, L;   24 Scott, J;
25 Shapira, D;   26 Smith, M;   27 Thomas, J;
28 Trache, L;   29 Tribble, R;   30 Woods, P;
31 Yu, C;