Effects of Aspirin plus Extended-Release Dipyridamole Versus Clopidogrel and Telmisartan on Disability and Cognitive Function After Recurrent Stroke in Patients with Ischaemic Stroke in the Prevention Regimen for Effectively Avoiding Second Strokes (Profess) Trial: a Double-Blind, Active and Placebo-Controlled Study

Diener, H
Sacco, RL
Yusuf, S
Ôunpuu, S
Lawton, WA
Martin, RH
Albers, GW
Bath, P
Machnig, T
Pais, P
Roberts, R
Skvortsova, V
Teal, P
Toni, D
VanderMaelen, C
Voigt, T
Weber, M
Yoon, B
Document Type
Year published
in The Lancet Neurology, ISSN: 1474-4422
Volume: 7, Issue: 10, Pages: 875-884
Publication Identifiers
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ISSN: 1474-4422
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Diener, H;   2 Sacco, RL;   3 Yusuf, S;
4 Cotton, D;   5 Ôunpuu, S;   6 Lawton, WA;
7 Palesch, Y;   8 Martin, RH;   9 Albers, GW;
10 Bath, P;   11 Bornstein, N;   12 Chan, BP;
13 Chen, S;   14 Cunha, L;   15 Dahlöf, B;
16 De Keyser, J;   17 Donnan, GA;   18 Estol, C;
19 Gorelick, P;   20 Gu, V;   21 Hermansson, K;
22 Hilbrich, L;   23 Kaste, M;   24 Lu, C;
25 Machnig, T;   26 Pais, P;   27 Roberts, R;
28 Skvortsova, V;   29 Teal, P;   30 Toni, D;
31 VanderMaelen, C;   32 Voigt, T;   33 Weber, M;
34 Yoon, B;