Prognostic Factors for Morbimortality in Sleeve Gastrectomy. The Importance of the Learning Curve. A Spanish-Portuguese Multicenter Study

Ferrer Valls, JV
Foncillas Corvinos, J
Masdevall Noguera, C
Socas Macias, M
Gomes, P
Balague Ponz, C
Perez Climent, N
Gracia Solanas, JA
Garcia-Moreno Nisa, F
Hernández Matias, A
Valentí Azcarate, V
Perez Folques, JE
Navarro Garcia, I
Dominguez-Adame Lanuza, E
Martinez Cortijo, S
González Fernández, J
Document Type
Year published
in Obesity Surgery - OBES SURG, ISSN: 0960-8923
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ISSN: 0960-8923
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Sánchez-Santos, R;   2 Corcelles Codina, R;   3 Vilallonga Puy, R;
4 Delgado Rivilla, S;   5 Ferrer Valls, JV;   6 Foncillas Corvinos, J;
7 Masdevall Noguera, C;   8 Socas Macias, M;   9 Gomes, P;
10 Balague Ponz, C;   11 De Tomas Palacios, J;   12 Ortiz Sebastian, S;
13 Sanchez-Pernaute, A;   14 puche Pla, JJ;   15 Del Castillo Dejardin, D;
16 Abasolo Vega, J;   17 Mans Muntwyler, E;   18 Garcia Navarro, A;
19 Duran Escribano, C;   20 Cassinello Fernández, N;   21 Perez Climent, N;
22 Gracia Solanas, JA;   23 Garcia-Moreno Nisa, F;   24 Hernández Matias, A;
25 Valentí Azcarate, V;   26 Perez Folques, JE;   27 Navarro Garcia, I;
28 Dominguez-Adame Lanuza, E;   29 Martinez Cortijo, S;   30 González Fernández, J;