Beach Sand and the Potential for Infectious Disease Transmission: Observations and Recommendations

Solo-Gabriele, HM
Harwood, VJ
Kay, D
Fujioka, RS
Sadowsky, MJ
Whitman, RL
Wither, A
Caniça, M
Carvalho da Fonseca, R
Duarte, A
Samson, RA
Segal, E
Staley, C
Taylor, HD
Veríssimo, C
Brandão, JC
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom - J. Mar. Biol. Ass., ISSN: 0025-3154
Volume: 96, Issue: 01, Pages: 101-120
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ISSN: 0025-3154
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Solo-Gabriele, HM;   2 Harwood, VJ;   3 Kay, D;
4 Fujioka, RS;   5 Sadowsky, MJ;   6 Whitman, RL;
7 Wither, A;   8 Caniça, M;   9 Carvalho da Fonseca, R;
10 Duarte, A;   11 Edge, TA;   12 Gargaté, MJ;
13 Gunde-Cimerman, N;   14 Hagen, F;   15 McLellan, SL;
16 Nogueira da Silva, A;   17 Novak Babič, M;   18 Prada, S;
19 Rodrigues, R;   20 Romão, D;   21 Sabino, R;
22 Samson, RA;   23 Segal, E;   24 Staley, C;
25 Taylor, HD;   26 Veríssimo, C;   27 Viegas, C;
28 Barroso, H;   29 Brandão, JC;