A Roadmap for Island Biology: 50 Fundamental Questions After 50 Years of The Theory of Island Biogeography

Patiño, J
Whittaker, RJ
Fernández Palacios, JM
Ah Peng, C
Araújo, MB
Cardoso, P
Cornuault, J
de Boer, EJ
Papadopoulou, A
Pettorelli, N
Price, JP
Steinbauer, MJ
Triantis, KA
Valente, L
Vargas, P
Weigelt, P
Emerson, BC
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of Biogeography, ISSN: 0305-0270
Volume: 44, Issue: 5, Pages: 963-983
Journal of Biogeography
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85017403570
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0305-0270
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Patiño, J;   2 Whittaker, RJ;   3 Borges, PAV;
4 Fernández Palacios, JM;   5 Ah Peng, C;   6 Araújo, MB;
7 Ávila, SP;   8 Cardoso, P;   9 Cornuault, J;
10 de Boer, EJ;   11 de Nascimento, L;   12 Gil, A;
13 González Castro, A;   14 Gruner, DS;   15 Heleno, R;
16 Hortal, J;   17 Illera, JC;   18 Kaiser Bunbury, CN;
19 Matthews, TJ;   20 Papadopoulou, A;   21 Pettorelli, N;
22 Price, JP;   23 Santos, AMC;   24 Steinbauer, MJ;
25 Triantis, KA;   26 Valente, L;   27 Vargas, P;
28 Weigelt, P;   29 Emerson, BC;