13Th Ifac/Ifip/Ifors/Iea Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems (Hms), Date: AUG 30-SEP 02, 2016, Location: Kyoto Univ, Kyoto, JAPAN, Sponsors: Int Federat Automat Control, Tech Comm 4 5 Human Machine Syst, Int Federat Automat Control, Tech Comm 1 2 Adapt & Learning Syst, Int Federat Automat Control, Tech Comm 2 1 Control Design, Int Federat Automat Control, Tech Comm 9 2 Social Impact Automat, Tateishi Sci & Technol Fdn, Kyoto Univ Fdn, Kyoto Convent & Visitors Bur, Human Interface Soc, Japan Soc Fuzzy Theory & Intelligent Informat, Inst Syst, Control & Informat Engineers, Soc Instrument & Control Engineers, Tech Div Syst & Informat, Symbio Community Forum, IFIP, IFORS, IEA, Host: Kyoto Univ