The Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health and Sustainable Development

Patel, V
Saxena, S
Lund, C
Thornicroft, G
Bolton, P
Chisholm, D
Collins, PY
Rahman, A
Sarkar, BK
De Silva, M
Singh, I
Sunkel, C
Document Type
Year published
in LANCET, ISSN: 0140-6736
Volume: 392, Issue: 10157, Pages: 1553-1598 (46)
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85056238862
Wos: WOS:000448414700034
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0140-6736
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Patel, V;   2 Saxena, S;   3 Lund, C;
4 Thornicroft, G;   5 Baingana, F;   6 Bolton, P;
7 Chisholm, D;   8 Collins, PY;   9 Cooper, JL;
10 Eaton, J;   11 Herrman, H;   12 Herzallah, MM;
13 Huang, YQ;   14 Jordans, MJD;   15 Kleinman, A;
16 Elena Medina Mora, ME;   17 Morgan, E;   18 Niaz, U;
19 Omigbodun, O;   20 Prince, M;   21 Rahman, A;
22 Saraceno, B;   23 Sarkar, BK;   24 De Silva, M;
25 Singh, I;   26 Stein, DJ;   27 Sunkel, C;
28 Unutzer, J;