Uav Downwash Dynamic Texture Features for Terrain Classification on Autonomous Navigation

Matos Carvalho, JP
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 FEDERATED CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (FEDCSIS) in Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, ISSN: 2325-0348
Pages: 1079-1083 (5)
Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (Fedcsis), Date: SEP 09-12, 2018, Location: Poznan, POLAND, Sponsors: Inst Elect & Elect Engineers, Polish Informat Proc Soc, Polish Informat Proc Soc, Mazovia Chapter, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Poland Sect Comp Soc Chapter, Syst Res Inst Polish Acad Sci, Warsaw Univ Technol, Wroclaw Univ Econ, Adam Mickiewicz Univ, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Reg 8, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Poland Sect, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Comp Soc Tech Comm Intelligent Informat, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Czechoslovakia Sect Comp Soc Chapter, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Poland Sect Gdansk Comp Soc Chapter, SMC Tech Comm Computat Collect Intelligence, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Poland Sect Syst Man & Cybernet Soc Chapter, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Poland Sect Computat Intelligence Soc Chapter, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Poland Sect Control Syst Soc Chapter, ACM Special Interest Grp Appl Comp, Int Federat Informat Proc, Polish Acad Sci, Comm Comp Sci, Polish Operat & Syst Res Soc, Mazovia Cluster ICT Poland, Eastern Cluster ICT Poland, Intel, Gambit, Samsung, Silver Bullet Labs, eSensei, Data Ctr PPNT
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85057252448
Wos: WOS:000454652300148
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ISSN: 2325-0348
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