Uav Downwash Dynamic Texture Features for Terrain Classification on Autonomous Navigation

Matos Carvalho, JP
Ganzha, M; Maciaszek, L; Paprzycki, M
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 FEDERATED CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (FEDCSIS) in Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, ISSN: 2325-0348
Pages: 1079-1083 (5)
Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (Fedcsis), Date: SEP 09-12, 2018, Location: Poznan, POLAND, Sponsors: Inst Elect & Elect Engineers, Polish Informat Proc Soc, Polish Informat Proc Soc, Mazovia Chapter, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Poland Sect Comp Soc Chapter, Syst Res Inst Polish Acad Sci, Warsaw Univ Technol, Wroclaw Univ Econ, Adam Mickiewicz Univ, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Reg 8, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Poland Sect, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Comp Soc Tech Comm Intelligent Informat, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Czechoslovakia Sect Comp Soc Chapter, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Poland Sect Gdansk Comp Soc Chapter, SMC Tech Comm Computat Collect Intelligence, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Poland Sect Syst Man & Cybernet Soc Chapter, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Poland Sect Computat Intelligence Soc Chapter, Inst Elect & Elect Engineers Poland Sect Control Syst Soc Chapter, ACM Special Interest Grp Appl Comp, Int Federat Informat Proc, Polish Acad Sci, Comm Comp Sci, Polish Operat & Syst Res Soc, Mazovia Cluster ICT Poland, Eastern Cluster ICT Poland, Intel, Gambit, Samsung, Silver Bullet Labs, eSensei, Data Ctr PPNT
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85057252448
Wos: WOS:000454652300148
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ISSN: 2325-0348
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