Animal Cultures Matter for Conservation

Brakes, P
Aplin, LM
Carroll, EL
Ciucci, P
Ford, JKB
Garland, EC
Thornton, A
Whiting, MJ
Williams, J
Rendell, L
Whitehead, H
Whiten, A
Rutz, C
Document Type
Editorial Material
Year published
in SCIENCE, ISSN: 0036-8075
Volume: 363, Issue: 6431, Pages: 1032-+ (14)
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000460750100018
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0036-8075
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Brakes, P;   2 Dall, SRX;   3 Aplin, LM;
4 Bearhop, S;   5 Carroll, EL;   6 Ciucci, P;
7 Fishlock, V;   8 Ford, JKB;   9 Garland, EC;
10 Keith, SA;   11 McGregor, PK;   12 Mesnick, SL;
13 Noad, MJ;   14 di Sciara, GN;   15 Robbins, MM;
16 Simmonds, MP;   17 Spina, F;   18 Thornton, A;
19 Wade, PR;   20 Whiting, MJ;   21 Williams, J;
22 Rendell, L;   23 Whitehead, H;   24 Whiten, A;
25 Rutz, C;