Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies: Narrative Review of Unmet Needs in Clinical Practice Guidelines

Meyer, A
Scirè, CA
Talarico, R
Alexander, T
Amoura, Z
Avcin, T
Barsotti, S
Beretta, L
Blagojevic, J
Burmester, G
Bombardieri, S
Hachulla, E
Mueller Ladner, U
Schneider, M
Smith, V
Vieira, A
Cutolo, M
Mosca, M
Cavagna, L
Document Type
Year published
in RMD Open, ISSN: 2056-5933
Volume: 4
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85062405786
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2056-5933
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Meyer, A;   2 Scirè, CA;   3 Talarico, R;
4 Alexander, T;   5 Amoura, Z;   6 Avcin, T;
7 Barsotti, S;   8 Beretta, L;   9 Blagojevic, J;
10 Burmester, G;   11 Cavazzana, I;   12 Cherrin, P;
13 Damian, L;   14 Doria, A;   15 Fonseca, JE;
16 Furini, F;   17 Galetti, I;   18 Houssiau, F;
19 Krieg, T;   20 Maddalena, L;   21 Launay, D;
22 Campanilho Marques, R;   23 Martin, T;   24 Matucci Cerinic, M;
25 Moinzadeh, P;   26 Montecucco, C;   27 Moraes Fontes, MF;
28 Mouthon, L;   29 Neri, R;   30 Paolino, S;
31 Piette, Y;   32 Rednic, S;   33 Tamirou, F;
34 Tincani, A;   35 Toplak, N;   36 Bombardieri, S;
37 Hachulla, E;   38 Mueller Ladner, U;   39 Schneider, M;
40 Smith, V;   41 Vieira, A;   42 Cutolo, M;
43 Mosca, M;   44 Cavagna, L;