Map4K4 Inhibition Promotes Survival of Human Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes and Reduces Infarct Size In Vivo

Fiedler, LR
Chapman, K
Xie, M
Maifoshie, E
Jenkins, M
Noseda, M
Entman, ML
Tan, TH
Harding, SE
Perrior, T
Schneider, MD
Document Type
Year published
in CELL STEM CELL, ISSN: 1934-5909
Volume: 24, Issue: 4
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000463353000013
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1934-5909
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Fiedler, LR;   2 Chapman, K;   3 Xie, M;
4 Maifoshie, E;   5 Jenkins, M;   6 Golforoush, PA;
7 Bellahcene, M;   8 Noseda, M;   9 Faust, D;
10 Jarvis, A;   11 Newton, G;   12 Paiva, MA;
13 Harada, M;   14 Stuckey, DJ;   15 Song, WH;
16 Habib, J;   17 Narasimham, P;   18 Aqil, R;
19 Sanmugalingam, D;   20 Yan, R;   21 Pavanello, L;
22 Sano, M;   23 Wang, SC;   24 Sampson, RD;
25 Kanayaganam, S;   26 Taffet, GE;   27 Michae, LH;
28 Entman, ML;   29 Tan, TH;   30 Harding, SE;
31 Low, CMR;   32 Tralau Stewart, C;   33 Perrior, T;
34 Schneider, MD;