Frequency of the Types of Alopecia at Twenty-Two Specialist Hair Clinics: A Multicenter Study

Saceda Corralo, D
Blume Peytavi, U
Cucchía, J
Dlova, NC
Gavazzoni Dias, MFR
Grimalt, R
Guzmán Sánchez, D
Harries, M
Ho, A
Piraccini, BM
Pirmez, R
De La Rosa Carrillo, D
Rudnicka, L
Shapiro, J
Sinclair, R
Tosti, A
Trüeb, RM
Vogt, A
Miteva, M
Document Type
Year published
in Skin Appendage Disorders, ISSN: 2296-9195
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85064000260
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2296-9195
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Vañó Galván, S;   2 Saceda Corralo, D;   3 Blume Peytavi, U;
4 Cucchía, J;   5 Dlova, NC;   6 Gavazzoni Dias, MFR;
7 Grimalt, R;   8 Guzmán Sánchez, D;   9 Harries, M;
10 Ho, A;   11 Holmes, S;   12 Larrondo, J;
13 Mosam, A;   14 Oliveira Soares, R;   15 Pinto, GM;
16 Piraccini, BM;   17 Pirmez, R;   18 De La Rosa Carrillo, D;
19 Rudnicka, L;   20 Shapiro, J;   21 Sinclair, R;
22 Tosti, A;   23 Trüeb, RM;   24 Vogt, A;
25 Miteva, M;