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Control of Cd1D-Restricted Antigen Presentation and Inflammation by Sphingomyelin
Melum, E
·Jiang, XJ
·Baker, KD
·Fritsch, J
·Dowds, CM
·Wang, J
·Pharo, A
·Kaser, A
·Tan, C
Kelly, SL
·Duan, JJ
·Karlsen, TH
·Exley, MA
·Schutze, S
·Zajonc, DM
·Merrill, AH
·Schuchman, EH
·Zeissig, S
·Blumberg, RS
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ISSN: 1529-2908
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Name Order | Name | Name Order | Name | Name Order | Name | ||
1 | Melum, E; | 2 | Jiang, XJ; | 3 | Baker, KD; | ||
4 | Macedo, MF; | 5 | Fritsch, J; | 6 | Dowds, CM; | ||
7 | Wang, J; | 8 | Pharo, A; | 9 | Kaser, A; | ||
10 | Tan, C; | 11 | Pereira, CS; | 12 | Kelly, SL; | ||
13 | Duan, JJ; | 14 | Karlsen, TH; | 15 | Exley, MA; | ||
16 | Schutze, S; | 17 | Zajonc, DM; | 18 | Merrill, AH; | ||
19 | Schuchman, EH; | 20 | Zeissig, S; | 21 | Blumberg, RS; |