Αs(2019) Discussions Summary

Alekhin, S
Barreiro, F
Bethke, S
Brambilla, N
Britzger, D
Brodsky, SJ
Camarda, S
d’Enterria, D
Brida, MD
Golterman, M
Pires, J
Rabbertz, K
Ringer, F
Sint, S
Sommer, R
Somogyi, G
Takaura, H
Verbytskyi, A
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in Proceedings of Science, ISSN: 1824-8039
Volume: 365
2019 Alphas Workshop on Precision Measurements of the Qcd Coupling Constant, Alphas 2019, Date: 11 February 2019 through 15 February 2019
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85074517201
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1824-8039
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Alekhin, S;   2 Barreiro, F;   3 Bethke, S;
4 Brambilla, N;   5 Britzger, D;   6 Brodsky, SJ;
7 Camarda, S;   8 d’Enterria, D;   9 Brida, MD;
10 Golterman, M;   11 Huston, J;   12 Kluth, S;
13 Kühn, JH;   14 Miravitllas, R;   15 Pérez Ramos, R;
16 Peris, S;   17 Petreczky, P;   18 Pires, J;
19 Põldaru, A;   20 Rabbertz, K;   21 Ringer, F;
22 Sint, S;   23 Sommer, R;   24 Somogyi, G;
25 Takaura, H;   26 Verbytskyi, A;