Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis Treatment Duration in Haematology Patients in Europe: An Efisg, Idwp-Ebmt, Eortc-Idg and Seifem Survey

Seidel, D
Pagano, L
Styczynski, J
Mikulska, M
Maertens, J
Garcia Vidal, C
Barac, A
Skiada, A
Klingspor, L
Herbrecht, R
Donnelly, P
Cornely, OA
Document Type
Year published
in MYCOSES, ISSN: 0933-7407
Volume: 63, Issue: 5, Pages: 420-429 (10)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 32009262
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85080937128
Wos: WOS:000527100700001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0933-7407
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Lanternier, F;   2 Seidel, D;   3 Pagano, L;
4 Styczynski, J;   5 Mikulska, M;   6 Pulcini, C;
7 Maertens, J;   8 Munoz, P;   9 Garcia Vidal, C;
10 Rijnders, B;   11 Arendrup, MC;   12 Sabino, R;
13 Verissimo, C;   14 Gaustad, P;   15 Klimko, N;
16 Arikan Akdagli, S;   17 Arsic, V;   18 Barac, A;
19 Skiada, A;   20 Klingspor, L;   21 Herbrecht, R;
22 Donnelly, P;   23 Cornely, OA;   24 Lass Floerl, C;
25 Lortholary, O;