Patient and Family Support in the Era of Fake E-Medicine: Food for Thought from an International Consensus Panel

Mauri, D
Tolia, M
Valachis, A
Dambrosio, M
Alongi, F
De Mello, RA
Lovey, J
Anthoney, A
Saraireh, HH
Tsali, L
Tsakiridis, T
Kosovitsas, I
Polyzos, N
Document Type
Editorial Material
Year published
in ESMO OPEN, ISSN: 2059-7029
Volume: 5, Issue: 2
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 32340999
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85084170413
Wos: WOS:000535716800002
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2059-7029
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Mauri, D;   2 Kamposioras, K;   3 Tzachanis, D;
4 Tolia, M;   5 Valachis, A;   6 Dambrosio, M;
7 Alongi, F;   8 De Mello, RA;   9 Lovey, J;
10 Anthoney, A;   11 Christopoulos, C;   12 Saraireh, HH;
13 Kountourakis, P;   14 Kampletsas, E;   15 Tsali, L;
16 Tsakiridis, T;   17 Kosovitsas, I;   18 Soukovelos, A;
19 Lymperatou, D;   20 Polyzos, N;   21 Zarkavelis, G;