Patterns of Care and Dropout Rates from Outpatient Mental Healthcare in Low-, Middle- A Nd High-Income Countries from the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Survey Initiative

Fernández, D
Vigo, D
Sampson, NA
Hwang, I
Aguilar Gaxiola, S
Al Hamzawi, AO
Alonso, J
Andrade, LH
Bromet, EJ
De Girolamo, G
Ojagbemi, A
O'Neill, S
Piazza, M
Posada Villa, J
Rapsey, C
Williams, DR
Ziv, Y
Kessler, RC
Haro, JM
Document Type
Year published
in Psychological Medicine, ISSN: 0033-2917
Volume: 51, Issue: 12, Pages: 2104-2116
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85084366502
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0033-2917
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Fernández, D;   2 Vigo, D;   3 Sampson, NA;
4 Hwang, I;   5 Aguilar Gaxiola, S;   6 Al Hamzawi, AO;
7 Alonso, J;   8 Andrade, LH;   9 Bromet, EJ;
10 De Girolamo, G;   11 De Jonge, P;   12 Florescu, S;
13 Gureje, O;   14 Hinkov, H;   15 Hu, C;
16 Karam, EG;   17 Karam, G;   18 Kawakami, N;
19 Kiejna, A;   20 Kovess Masfety, V;   21 Medina Mora, ME;
22 Navarro Mateu, F;   23 Ojagbemi, A;   24 O'Neill, S;
25 Piazza, M;   26 Posada Villa, J;   27 Rapsey, C;
28 Williams, DR;   29 Xavier, M;   30 Ziv, Y;
31 Kessler, RC;   32 Haro, JM;