ERRATUM: Correction To: The Tree That Hides the Forest: Cryptic Diversity and Phylogenetic Relationships in the Palaearctic Vector Obsoletus/Scoticus Complex (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) at the European Level (Parasites Vectors (2020) 13 (265) Doi: 10.1186/S13071-020-04114-1)

Mignotte, A
Garros, C
Gardès, L
Balenghien, T
Duhayon, M
Rakotoarivony, I
Tabourin, L
Poujol, L
Mathieu, B
Ibañez Justicia, A
Estrada Peña, R
Carpenter, S
Tchakarova, S
Boutsini, S
Sviland, S
Schäfer, SM
Segliņa, Z
Vatansever, Z
Huber, K
Document Type
Year published
in Parasites and Vectors, ISSN: 1756-3305
Volume: 13, Issue: 1
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 32962740
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85091603146
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1756-3305
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Mignotte, A;   2 Garros, C;   3 Gardès, L;
4 Balenghien, T;   5 Duhayon, M;   6 Rakotoarivony, I;
7 Tabourin, L;   8 Poujol, L;   9 Mathieu, B;
10 Ibañez Justicia, A;   11 Deniz, A;   12 Cvetkovikj, A;
13 Purse, BV;   14 Ramilo, DW;   15 Stougiou, D;
16 Werner, D;   17 Pudar, D;   18 Petrić, D;
19 Veronesi, E;   20 Jacobs, F;   21 Kampen, H;
22 da Fonseca, IP;   23 Lucientes, J;   24 Navarro, J;
25 la Puente, JM;   26 Stefanovska, J;   27 Searle, KR;
28 Khallaayoune, K;   29 Lorna Culverwell, C;   30 Larska, M;
31 Bourquia, M;   32 Goffredo, M;   33 Bisia, M;
34 England, M;   35 Robin, M;   36 Quaglia, M;
37 Miranda Chueca, MÁ;   38 Bødker, R;   39 Estrada Peña, R;
40 Carpenter, S;   41 Tchakarova, S;   42 Boutsini, S;
43 Sviland, S;   44 Schäfer, SM;   45 Ozoliņa, Z;
46 Segliņa, Z;   47 Vatansever, Z;   48 Huber, K;