A Diverse View of Science to Catalyse Change: Valuing Diversity Leads to Scientific Excellence, the Progress of Science And, Most Importantly, it Is Simply the Right Thing to Do. We Must Value Diversity Not Only in Words, but Also in Actions

Urbina Blanco, CA
Jilani, SZ
Speight, IR
Stoddart, JF
Nelson, TL
Mack, J
Robinson, RAS
Waddell, EA
Lim, FPL
Masters, SL
Mambwe, D
Thordarson, P
Titirici, MM
Tormet González, GD
Unterlass, MM
Wadle, A
Yam, VWW
Yang, YW
Document Type
Year published
in Canadian Journal of Chemistry, ISSN: 0008-4042
Volume: 98, Issue: 10, Pages: 597-600
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85091916497
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0008-4042
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Urbina Blanco, CA;   2 Jilani, SZ;   3 Speight, IR;
4 Bojdys, MJ;   5 Friščić, T;   6 Stoddart, JF;
7 Nelson, TL;   8 Mack, J;   9 Robinson, RAS;
10 Waddell, EA;   11 Lutkenhaus, JL;   12 Godfrey, M;
13 Abboud, MI;   14 Aderinto, SO;   15 Aderohunmu, D;
16 Bibič, L;   17 Borges, J;   18 Dong, VM;
19 Ferrins, L;   20 Fung, FM;   21 John, T;
22 Lim, FPL;   23 Masters, SL;   24 Mambwe, D;
25 Thordarson, P;   26 Titirici, MM;   27 Tormet González, GD;
28 Unterlass, MM;   29 Wadle, A;   30 Yam, VWW;
31 Yang, YW;