Projections of Excess Mortality Related to Diurnal Temperature Range Under Climate Change Scenarios: a Multi-Country Modelling Study

Lee, W
Kim, Y
Sera, F
Gasparrini, A
Park, R
Michelle Choi, H
Prifti, K
Bell, ML
Abrutzky, R
Vicedo Cabrera, AM
Ragettli, MS
Guo, YLL
Chen, BY
Li, S
Armstrong, B
Zanobetti, A
Schwartz, J
Kim, H
Document Type
Year published
in The Lancet Planetary Health, ISSN: 2542-5196
Volume: 4, Issue: 11, Pages: e512-e521
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 33159878
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85095687935
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2542-5196
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Lee, W;   2 Kim, Y;   3 Sera, F;
4 Gasparrini, A;   5 Park, R;   6 Michelle Choi, H;
7 Prifti, K;   8 Bell, ML;   9 Abrutzky, R;
10 Guo, Y;   11 Tong, S;   12 de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho, M;
13 Nascimento Saldiva, PH;   14 Lavigne, E;   15 Orru, H;
16 Indermitte, E;   17 Jaakkola, JJK;   18 Ryti, NRI;
19 Pascal, M;   20 Goodman, P;   21 Zeka, A;
22 Hashizume, M;   23 Honda, Y;   24 Hurtado Diaz, M;
25 César Cruz, J;   26 Overcenco, A;   27 Nunes, B;
28 Madureira, J;   29 Scovronick, N;   30 Acquaotta, F;
31 Tobias, A;   32 Vicedo Cabrera, AM;   33 Ragettli, MS;
34 Guo, YLL;   35 Chen, BY;   36 Li, S;
37 Armstrong, B;   38 Zanobetti, A;   39 Schwartz, J;
40 Kim, H;