ERRATUM: Aluwé, M. Et Al. Exploratory Survey on European Consumer and Stakeholder Attitudes Towards Alternatives for Surgical Castration of Piglets. (Animals 2020, 10, 1758)

Aluwé, M
Heyrman, E
Almeida, JM
Babol, J
Battacone, G
Getya, A
Karolyi, D
Kostyra, E
Semenova, A
Škrlep, M
Stoyanchev, T
Tudoreanu, L
van Son, M
Żakowska Biemans, S
Zamaratskaia, G
van den Broeke, A
Egea, M
Document Type
Year published
in Animals, ISSN: 2076-2615
Volume: 10, Issue: 12, Pages: 1-2
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85097843904
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2076-2615
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Aluwé, M;   2 Heyrman, E;   3 Almeida, JM;
4 Babol, J;   5 Battacone, G;   6 Čítek, J;
7 Furnols, MFI;   8 Getya, A;   9 Karolyi, D;
10 Kostyra, E;   11 Kress, K;   12 Kušec, G;
13 Mörlein, D;   14 Semenova, A;   15 Škrlep, M;
16 Stoyanchev, T;   17 Tomašević, I;   18 Tudoreanu, L;
19 van Son, M;   20 Żakowska Biemans, S;   21 Zamaratskaia, G;
22 van den Broeke, A;   23 Egea, M;