Cardiac Phenotype in Atp1A3-Related Syndromes A Multicenter Cohort Study

Balestrini, S
Mikati, MA
Alvarez Garcia Roves, R
Carboni, M
McLean, M
Prange, L
Thom, M
Cross, JH
Vavassori, R
Kaski, JP
Sisodiya, SM
Mazurkiewicz Beldzinska, M
Document Type
Year published
in NEUROLOGY, ISSN: 0028-3878
Volume: 95, Issue: 21, Pages: E2866-E2879 (14)
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000619288500004
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0028-3878
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Balestrini, S;   2 Mikati, MA;   3 Alvarez Garcia Roves, R;
4 Carboni, M;   5 Hunanyan, AS;   6 Kherallah, B;
7 McLean, M;   8 Prange, L;   9 De Grandis, E;
10 Gagliardi, A;   11 Pisciotta, L;   12 Stagnaro, M;
13 Veneselli, E;   14 Campistol, J;   15 Fons, C;
16 Pias Peleteiro, L;   17 Brashear, A;   18 Miller, C;
19 Samoes, R;   20 Brankovic, V;   21 Padiath, QS;
22 Potic, A;   23 Pilch, J;   24 Vezyroglou, A;
25 Bye, AME;   26 Davis, AM;   27 Ryan, MM;
28 Semsarian, C;   29 Hollingsworth, G;   30 Scheffer, IE;
31 Granata, T;   32 Nardocci, N;   33 Ragona, F;
34 Arzimanoglou, A;   35 Panagiotakaki, E;   36 Carrilho, I;
37 Zucca, C;   38 Novy, J;   39 Parowicz, M;
40 Weckhuysen, S;   41 Pons, R;   42 Groppa, S;
43 Sinden, DS;   44 Pitt, GS;   45 Tinker, A;
46 Ashworth, M;   47 Michalak, Z;   48 Thom, M;
49 Cross, JH;   50 Vavassori, R;   51 Kaski, JP;
52 Sisodiya, SM;   53 Dzieiyc, K;   54 Mazurkiewicz Beldzinska, M;