Quality of Life in a Large Multinational Haemophilia B Cohort (The B-Natural Study) - Unmet Needs Remain

LeBeau, P
Ragni, MV
Borhany, M
Abajas, YL
Tarantino, MD
Holstein, K
Croteau, SE
Liesner, R
Tarango, C
Knoll, C
Kuriakose, P
Acharya, S
Reiss, UM
Kulkarni, R
Witkop, M
Lethagen, S
Krouse, R
Shapiro, AD
Astermark, J
Document Type
Article in Press
Year published
in HAEMOPHILIA, ISSN: 1351-8216
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000765904800001
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1351-8216
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Berntorp, E;   2 LeBeau, P;   3 Ragni, MV;
4 Borhany, M;   5 Abajas, YL;   6 Tarantino, MD;
7 Holstein, K;   8 Croteau, SE;   9 Liesner, R;
10 Tarango, C;   11 Carvalho, M;   12 McGuinn, C;
13 Funding, E;   14 Kempton, CL;   15 Bidlingmaier, C;
16 Cohen, A;   17 Oldenburg, J;   18 Kearney, S;
19 Knoll, C;   20 Kuriakose, P;   21 Acharya, S;
22 Reiss, UM;   23 Kulkarni, R;   24 Witkop, M;
25 Lethagen, S;   26 Krouse, R;   27 Shapiro, AD;
28 Astermark, J;