Breast Cancer, Version 3.2020, Nccn Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology

Anderson, BO
Abraham, J
Aft, R
Agnese, D
Allison, KH
Blair, SL
Burstein, HJ
Dang, C
Elias, AD
Sitapati, A
Smith, KL
Smith, ML
Soliman, H
Stringer-Reasor, EM
Telli, ML
Ward, JH
Young, JS
Burns, JL
Kumar, R
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, ISSN: 1540-1405
Volume: 18, Issue: 4, Pages: 452-478
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ISSN: 1540-1405
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Gradishar, WJ;   2 Anderson, BO;   3 Abraham, J;
4 Aft, R;   5 Agnese, D;   6 Allison, KH;
7 Blair, SL;   8 Burstein, HJ;   9 Dang, C;
10 Elias, AD;   11 Giordano, SH;   12 Goetz, MP;
13 Goldstein, LJ;   14 Isakoff, SJ;   15 Krishnamurthy, J;
16 Lyons, J;   17 Marcom, PK;   18 Matro, J;
19 Mayer, IA;   20 Moran, MS;   21 Mortimer, J;
22 O'Regan, RM;   23 Patel, SA;   24 Pierce, LJ;
25 Rugo, HS;   26 Sitapati, A;   27 Smith, KL;
28 Smith, ML;   29 Soliman, H;   30 Stringer-Reasor, EM;
31 Telli, ML;   32 Ward, JH;   33 Young, JS;
34 Burns, JL;   35 Kumar, R;