Effectiveness and Safety of Tocilizumab in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis: a Propensity Score Matched Controlled Observational Study of the Eustar Cohort

Kuster, S
Elhai, M
Held, U
Bruni, C
Cacciapaglia, F
Vettori, S
Siegert, E
Rednic, S
Denton, C
Ionescu, RM
Schmeiser, T
Distler, JHW
Gabrielli, A
Hoffmann-Vold, AM
Kuwana, M
Allanore, Y
Distler, O
EUSTAR Collaborators
Document Type
Year published
in RMD OPEN, ISSN: 2056-5933
Volume: 8, Issue: 2
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000928075300004
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2056-5933
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Kuster, S;   2 Jordan, S;   3 Elhai, M;
4 Held, U;   5 Steigmiller, K;   6 Bruni, C;
7 Cacciapaglia, F;   8 Vettori, S;   9 Siegert, E;
10 Rednic, S;   11 Codullo, V;   12 Airo, P;
13 Braun-Moscovici, Y;   14 Hunzelmann, N;   15 Salvador, MJ;
16 Riccieri, V;   17 Gheorghiu, AM;   18 Sancho, JJA;
19 Romanowska-Prochnicka, K;   20 Castellvi, I;   21 Koetter, I;
22 Truchetet, ME;   23 Lopez-Longo, FJ;   24 Novikov, PI;
25 Giollo, A;   26 Shirai, Y;   27 Belloli, L;
28 Zanatta, E;   29 Hachulla, E;   30 Smith, V;
31 Denton, C;   32 Ionescu, RM;   33 Schmeiser, T;
34 Distler, JHW;   35 Gabrielli, A;   36 Hoffmann-Vold, AM;
37 Kuwana, M;   38 Allanore, Y;   39 Distler, O;
40 EUSTAR Collaborators;