In Childhood B-Lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-All) with Hyperdiploidy > 50 Chromosomes, Patients with 58 to 66 Chromosomes Have 99% Efs At 6-Year Follow-Up: Results of the Eortc Clg 58951 Trial

Suciu, S
Plat, G
Cave, H
Girard, S
Delabesse, E
Pages, MP
Yakouben, K
Nelken, B
Rohrlich, P
Luquet, I
Munzer, M
Sirvent, N
Plantaz, D
Herens, C
Hoyoux, C
Karrasch, M
Bertrand, Y
Benoit, Y
Document Type
Year published
in BLOOD, ISSN: 0006-4971
Volume: 118, Issue: 21, Pages: 260-260 (1)
53Rd Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-Of-Hematology (Ash)/Symposium on the Basic Science of Hemostasis and Thrombosis, Date: DEC 10-13, 2011, Location: San Diego, CA, Sponsors: Amer Soc Hematol (ASH)
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000299597100566
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0006-4971
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Dastugue, N;   2 Suciu, S;   3 Plat, G;
4 Speleman, F;   5 Cave, H;   6 Girard, S;
7 Delabesse, E;   8 Pages, MP;   9 Yakouben, K;
10 Nelken, B;   11 Mazingue, F;   12 Hagemeijer, A;
13 Uyttebroeck, A;   14 Gervais, C;   15 Lutz, P;
16 Teixera, M;   17 Norton, L;   18 Heimann, P;
19 Ferster, A;   20 Plessis, G;   21 Boutard, P;
22 Collonge, MA;   23 Rohrlich, P;   24 Luquet, I;
25 Munzer, M;   26 Sirvent, N;   27 Plantaz, D;
28 Herens, C;   29 Hoyoux, C;   30 Karrasch, M;
31 Bertrand, Y;   32 Benoit, Y;