Second and Third Season Quad Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature and Polarization Power Spectra

Pryke, C
Ade, P
Bock, J
Bowden, M
Brown, ML
Cahill, G
Castro, PG
Church, S
Culverhouse, T
Friedman, R
Piccirillo, L
Taylor, AN
Thompson, KL
Turner, AH
Document Type
Year published
in Astrophysical Journal, ISSN: 0004-637X
Volume: 692, Issue: 2, Pages: 1247-1270
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-66149147760
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0004-637X
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Pryke, C;   2 Ade, P;   3 Bock, J;
4 Bowden, M;   5 Brown, ML;   6 Cahill, G;
7 Castro, PG;   8 Church, S;   9 Culverhouse, T;
10 Friedman, R;   11 Ganga, K;   12 Gear, WK;
13 Gupta, S;   14 Hinderks, J;   15 Kovac, J;
16 Lange, AE;   17 Leitch, E;   18 Melhuish, SJ;
19 Memari, Y;   20 Murphy, JA;   21 Orlando, A;
22 Schwarz, R;   23 Osullivan, C;   24 Piccirillo, L;
25 Rajguru, N;   26 Rusholme, B;   27 Taylor, AN;
28 Thompson, KL;   29 Turner, AH;   30 Wu, EYS;
31 Zemcov, M;