A Prevalence Study of Primary Dystonia in Eight European Countries

Warner, T
Camfield, L
Marsden, CD
Nemeth, AH
Hyman, N
Harley, D
Wissel, J
Poewe, W
Marttila, RJ
Erjanti, H
Sampaio, C
Passao, V
Marti, F
Tolosa, E
Claveria, L
Duarte, J
Warner, T
Ben Shlomo, Y
Newton, A
Document Type
Year published
in Journal of Neurology, ISSN: 0340-5354
Volume: 247, Issue: 10, Pages: 787-792
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 11127535
Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033745810
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0340-5354
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Warner, T;   2 Camfield, L;   3 Marsden, CD;
4 Nemeth, AH;   5 Hyman, N;   6 Harley, D;
7 Wissel, J;   8 Poewe, W;   9 Marttila, RJ;
10 Erjanti, H;   11 Burbaud, P;   12 Lagueny, A;
13 Kamm, C;   14 Gasser, T;   15 Franz, P;
16 Castelon Konkiewitz, E;   17 Trender, I;   18 Ceballos Baumann, A;
19 Nebe, A;   20 Fruedenberg, B;   21 Bentivoglio, A;
22 Cassetta, E;   23 Albanese, A;   24 Curra, A;
25 Vacca, L;   26 Berardelli, A;   27 Ferreira, J;
28 Sampaio, C;   29 Passao, V;   30 Marti, F;
31 Tolosa, E;   32 Claveria, L;   33 Duarte, J;
34 Warner, T;   35 Ben Shlomo, Y;   36 Newton, A;