Revisiting the Phylogeography and Demography of European Badgers (Meles Meles) Based on Broad Sampling, Multiple Markers and Simulations

Frantz, AC
Pope, LC
Kochan, J
Davison, J
Clements, CF
Elmeros, M
Molina Vacas, G
Ruiz Gonzalez, A
Balestrieri, A
Ghirardi, M
Racheva, V
Braun, C
Oliveira, R
Lanszki, J
Stubbe, M
Stier, N
Burke, T
Document Type
Year published
in HEREDITY, ISSN: 0018-067X
Volume: 113, Issue: 5, Pages: 443-453 (11)
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 24781805
Wos: WOS:000343916000009
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0018-067X
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Frantz, AC;   2 McDevitt, AD;   3 Pope, LC;
4 Kochan, J;   5 Davison, J;   6 Clements, CF;
7 Elmeros, M;   8 Molina Vacas, G;   9 Ruiz Gonzalez, A;
10 Balestrieri, A;   11 Van Den Berge, K;   12 Breyne, P;
13 San, EDL;   14 Agren, EO;   15 Suchentrunk, F;
16 Schley, L;   17 Kowalczyk, R;   18 Kostka, BI;
19 Cirovic, D;   20 Sprem, N;   21 Colyn, M;
22 Ghirardi, M;   23 Racheva, V;   24 Braun, C;
25 Oliveira, R;   26 Lanszki, J;   27 Stubbe, A;
28 Stubbe, M;   29 Stier, N;   30 Burke, T;