Microsatellite Genotyping of Medieval Cattle from Central Italy Suggests an Old Origin of Chianina and Romagnola Cattle

Gargani, M
Pariset, L
Moazami Goudarzi, K
Laloe, D
Williams, JL
Wiener, P
Bradley, DG
Erhardt, G
Sanchez, A
Martinez, AM
Ajmone Marsan, P
Pilla, F
Bruzzone, A
Marletta, D
Holm, LE
Dolf, G
Valentini, A
Document Type
Year published
in Frontiers in Genetics, ISSN: 1664-8021
Volume: 5, Issue: FEB
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84923667239
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1664-8021
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Gargani, M;   2 Pariset, L;   3 Lenstra, JA;
4 De Minicis, E;   5 Moazami Goudarzi, K;   6 Laloe, D;
7 Williams, JL;   8 Wiener, P;   9 Bradley, DG;
10 Erhardt, G;   11 Harlizius, B;   12 Medugorac, I;
13 Looft, MC;   14 Kalm, E;   15 Canon, J;
16 Dunner, S;   17 Rodellar, C;   18 Martin Burriel, I;
19 Sanchez, A;   20 Martinez, AM;   21 Ginja, C ;
22 Ajmone Marsan, P;   23 Pilla, F;   24 Bruzzone, A;
25 Marletta, D;   26 Holm, LE;   27 Dolf, G;
28 Valentini, A;