Severity of Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis and Risk of Ipsilateral Hemispheric Ischaemic Events: Results from the Acsrs Study

Document Type
Year published
in European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, ISSN: 1078-5884
Volume: 30, Issue: 3, Pages: 275-284
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 16130207
Scopus: 2-s2.0-23144437543
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1078-5884
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Nicolaides, AN;   2 Kakkos, SK;   3 Griffin, M;
4 Sabetai, M;   5 Dhanjil, S;   6 Tegos, T;
7 Thomas, DJ;   8 Giannoukas, A;   9 Geroulakos, G;
10 Georgiou, N;   11 Francis, S;   12 Ioannidou, E;
13 Dore, CJ;   14 Adovasio, R;   15 Ziani, B;
16 Alo, EP;   17 Cicilioni, CG;   18 Ambrosio, G;
19 Andreev, A;   20 Andreozzi, GM;   21 Verlato, F;
22 Camporese, G;   23 Arosio, E;   24 Barkauskas, E;
25 Barros D'Sa, AAB;   26 Brannigan, P;   27 Batchvarova, V;
28 Dramov, A;   29 Belardi, P;   30 Novelli, GP;
31 Simoni, G;   32 Bell, P;   33 Biasi, GM;
34 Mingazzini, P;   35 Bornstein, NM;   36 Bouchier Hayes, D;
37 Fitzgerald, P;   38 Cairols, MA;   39 Cao, PG;
40 DeRango, P;   41 Carboni, GP;   42 Geoffredo, C;
43 Catalano, M;   44 Chambers, B;   45 Goetzmann, M;
46 Dickinson, A;   47 Clement, D;   48 Bobelyn, M;
49 Coccheri, S;   50 Conti, E;   51 Diamantopolous, E;
52 Andreadis, EA;   53 Middleton, L;   54 Pantziaris, M;
55 Tyllis, T;   56 Minar, E;   57 Willfort, A;
58 Moggi, L;   59 Nenci, G;   60 Radicchia, S;
61 Norgren, L;   62 Ribbie, E;   63 Novo, S;
64 Tantillo, R;   65 Olinic, D;   66 Paaske, W;
67 Pagnan, A;   68 Pauletto, P;   69 Pagliara, V;
70 Pettina, G;   71 Pratesi, C;   72 Matticari, S;
73 Polivka, J;   74 Sevcik, P;   75 Poredos, P;
76 Blinc, A;   77 Videcnik, V;   78 Pujia, A;
79 Raso, A;   80 Rispoli, P;   81 Conforti, M;
82 Robinson, T;   83 Dennis, MSJ;   84 Rosfors, S;
85 Rudofsky, G;   86 Schroeder, T;   87 Gronholdt, ML;
88 Simoni, G;   89 Finocchi, C;   90 Rodriguez, G;
91 Dimakakos, PB;   92 Kotsis, T;   93 Eikelboom, B;
94 Entz, L;   95 Ferrari Bardille, ;   96 Aloi, T;
97 Salerno, M;   98 Fernandes e Fernandes, J;