Bioaccumulation of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Female Common Dolphins (Delphinus Delphis) and Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena Phocoena) from Western European Seas: Geographical Trends, Causal Factors and Effects on Reproduction and Mortality

Murphy, S
Learmonth, JA
Zuur, AF
Rogan, E
Bustamante, P
Caurant, F
Lahaye, V
Ridoux, V
Dabin, W
Lopez, A
Gonzalez, AF
Guerra, A
Garcia Hartmann, M
Reid, RJ
Moffat, CF
Lockyer, C
Boon, JP
Document Type
Year published
in Environmental Pollution, ISSN: 0269-7491
Volume: 153, Issue: 2, Pages: 401-415
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 17905497
Scopus: 2-s2.0-42049102600
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0269-7491
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Pierce, GJ;   2 Santos, MB;   3 Murphy, S;
4 Learmonth, JA;   5 Zuur, AF;   6 Rogan, E;
7 Bustamante, P;   8 Caurant, F;   9 Lahaye, V;
10 Ridoux, V;   11 Zegers, BN;   12 Mets, A;
13 Addink, M;   14 Smeenk, C;   15 Jauniaux, T;
16 Law, RJ;   17 Dabin, W;   18 Lopez, A;
19 Alonso Farre, JM;   20 Gonzalez, AF;   21 Guerra, A;
22 Garcia Hartmann, M;   23 Reid, RJ;   24 Moffat, CF;
25 Lockyer, C;   26 Boon, JP;