Constraints on Dark Matter Models from a Fermi Lat Search for High-Energy Cosmic-Ray Electrons from the Sun

Ajello, M
Atwood, WB
Baldini, L
Barbiellini, G
Bastieri, D
Bellazzini, R
Berenji, B
Blandford, RD
Bloom, ED
Bonamente, E
Vasileiou, V
Vianello, G
Vilchez, N
Waite, AP
Wang, P
Winer, BL
Wood, KS
Yang, Z
Zimmer, S
Document Type
Year published
in Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, ISSN: 1550-7998
Volume: 84, Issue: 3
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-80052690723
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 1550-7998
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Ajello, M;   2 Atwood, WB;   3 Baldini, L;
4 Barbiellini, G;   5 Bastieri, D;   6 Bellazzini, R;
7 Berenji, B;   8 Blandford, RD;   9 Bloom, ED;
10 Bonamente, E;   11 Borgland, AW;   12 Bottacini, E;
13 Bouvier, A;   14 Bregeon, J;   15 Brigida, M;
16 Bruel, P;   17 Buehler, R;   18 Buson, S;
19 Caliandro, GA;   20 Cameron, RA;   21 Caraveo, PA;
22 Cecchi, C;   23 Charles, E;   24 Chekhtman, A;
25 Ciprini, S;   26 Claus, R;   27 Cohen Tanugi, J;
28 Cutini, S;   29 De Angelis, A;   30 De Palma, F;
31 Dermer, CD;   32 Digel, SW;   33 Do Couto E Silva, E;
34 Drell, PS;   35 Favuzzi, C;   36 Fegan, SJ;
37 Focke, WB;   38 Fukazawa, Y;   39 Fusco, P;
40 Gargano, F;   41 Gehrels, N;   42 Germani, S;
43 Giglietto, N;   44 Giordano, F;   45 Giroletti, M;
46 Glanzman, T;   47 Godfrey, G;   48 Grenier, IA;
49 Guiriec, S;   50 Gustafsson, M;   51 Hadasch, D;
52 Iafrate, G;   53 Johannesson, G;   54 Johnson, AS;
55 Kamae, T;   56 Katagiri, H;   57 Kataoka, J;
58 Kuss, M;   59 Latronico, L;   60 Lionetto, AM;
61 Longo, F;   62 Loparco, F;   63 Lovellette, MN;
64 Lubrano, P;   65 Mazziotta, MN;   66 McEnery, JE;
67 Michelson, PF;   68 Mizuno, T;   69 Monte, C;
70 Monzani, ME;   71 Morselli, A;   72 Moskalenko, IV;
73 Murgia, S;   74 Naumann Godo, M;   75 Norris, JP;
76 Nuss, E;   77 Ohsugi, T;   78 Omodei, N;
79 Orlando, E;   80 Ormes, JF;   81 Ozaki, M;
82 Paneque, D;   83 Panetta, JH;   84 Pesce Rollins, M;
85 Pierbattista, M;   86 Piron, F;   87 Raino, S;
88 Rando, R;   89 Razzano, M;   90 Reimer, A;
91 Reimer, O;   92 Ritz, S;   93 Schalk, TL;
94 Sgro, C;   95 Siegal Gaskins, J;   96 Siskind, EJ;
97 Smith, PD;   98 Spandre, G;   99 Spinelli, P;
100 Suson, DJ;   101 Takahashi, H;   102 Tanaka, T;
103 Thayer, JG;   104 Thayer, JB;   105 Tibaldo, L;
106 Tosti, G;   107 Troja, E;   108 Usher, TL;
109 Vandenbroucke, J;   110 Vasileiou, V;   111 Vianello, G;
112 Vilchez, N;   113 Waite, AP;   114 Wang, P;
115 Winer, BL;   116 Wood, KS;   117 Yang, Z;
118 Zimmer, S;